Coaching for Leaders
Sustained Leadership, LLC
A Leader is Who You Are, Leadership is Something You Do

We know as human beings that we are much more than the roles we play in our workplaces and in our private lives. Yet, we often act as if the role and the person are one-and-the-same. Most leadership development programs address role-playing skills while ignoring the unique character and contributions of the individuals who inhabit the roles. It is no surprise that most program veterans find the experience hollow and unsatisfying and missing the real heart of leadership.
While leadership role skills are an important part of leader effectiveness, we don't follow roles--we follow people; people who inspire us by making their own values, passions, and personal commitments the core of their leadership agenda. When a leader is willing to be authentic about what they genuinely care about in their own lives, they have the potential to earn our trust, commitment, and earnest followership.
Our leader development coaching focuses first-and-foremost on helping executive leaders to develop a more powerful leadership agenda by articulating and integrating their own most important and deeply-held values, beliefs, and motivations, with the needs of their business roles and their companies. The benefits are not only more effective, impactful leadership in their organizations, but also a personally more satisfying and meaningful work life.